Accessing Sales Reports in StudioBalfour
Several sales reports are available in StudioBalfour.
The ability to track yearbook sales and download reports is available at your fingertips in StudioBalfour. To access sales reports, follow these instructions:
- Log in to StudioBalfour.
- Navigate to Sales and Orders > Sales Reports.
- Choose from the list report you wish to view. You can find a handy guide for what each report shows in the next section.
Once a report has been accessed, several options are available to you, including View Settings, Filtering and Exporting.
Available Reports
- Detailed Distribution Report - This report shows all data collected during the order process.
- Distribution Report - This report is a more "distribution day" friendly report, allowing you to export the report in alpha and grade page breaks.
- Payment Report - This report shows payments made by the school via check and order deposits from online sales.
- Personalization Report - This report shows the personalization orders.
- Sales Detail Report - This is a less detailed version of sales data collected from online and on-campus orders.
- Transaction Report - This report shows sales detail by transaction.
- Options Report - This report allows you to filter sales data by product. Choose a product from the drop-down menu to get started.
- Raw Detail Report - This report auto-downloads the order, showing each item ordered on its own line.
Changing View Settings on a Sales Report
1 To change the View Settings on your report, the first step is to click Settings.
2 A window will open showing all the fields available for your report. To hide a field from view, click on it once. Try it now by clicking Customer Number.
3 Notice the field turns grey when it is hidden from view. Try again by clicking Order Origin.
4 To re-arrange the columns of your report, use the up and down arrows on the field you wish to move. Let's try it now by clicking the up arrow on First Name.
5 Once your report view has been customized, scroll down and click Save.
6 That's it. You're done
Here's an interactive tutorial for the visual learners
Filter Data on a Sales Report
1 The bold column headings on your reports screen are searchable fields. They allow you to display only the data you wish to see. Let's give it a try. The first step is to click Grade.
2 Type 7 to view just the 7th grade orders.
3 Click Origin
4 Type to view just the online orders.
5 Now you are viewing only 7th grad students who purchased books on If you wish to remove these filters, click Clear Filters.
6 That's it. You're done.
Here's an interactive tutorial for the visual learners